Friday, June 24, 2005


Always running

Just found out my blog is listed in PM1 famous blog.
Better post something about running.

People usually give flowers for Valentine, dinners for most occasions and etc.
Why not, organize a run?
This will promote health and also awareness.

For example :-

Valentine's day - Run with the one you love
Father's Day - Run with your dad
Mother's Day - Run with your mom
Save the endangered species run
My boss is an asshole run
I love my spouse run
Blind awareness - run blind folded with a guide
Anti Snatch Thieves Run
Anti Rape Run

Whatever it is, just run lah!

Yes, my wife and I have been doing that - running on any public holidays, incl. CNY, our wedding day and even during the wedding dinner. We simply love running!
Welcome to the blogging scene :) I just saw your blog for the 1st time today !!
Run to the mamak stall? can ah?
Plenty of excellent ideas there!
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