Monday, August 01, 2005


I want to live!

Last Thursday nite, suddenly I felt as though our living room was spinning,
I felt loss of balance and the spinning was getting faster.
I had to sit and suddenly there was a rush of cold sweat all over
my head and upper body. I could not keep my eyes open.
I either fell asleep or I fainted for a few minutes.
The next day, I told the doctor what happened and also I now hear
a constant high pitch ringing even before this incident.
He check my blood pressure, throat, ear and chest.
All ok.
The doctor had mentioned that I may have developed diabetes
that caused the attack on Thursday nite.
Upon his suggestion to do a thorough blood test, I quickly arrange
an appointment to have a full medical check-up on Monday morning.
I was pretty worried.
According to him symptoms of diabetes were, going to the
loo at night, feeing of thirst and loss of weight.
Oh no! I felt all 3 symptoms.
What is going on inside me!
The results showed that I have high cholesterol.
Total 5.5, the right level should be 5.2 and below. The main culprit is
my LDL cholesterol 3.8 when it should be 2.5 or less.
According to the doctor high LDL is the culprit for heart problems.
The doctor advised to drink more water, exercise and watch my diet.
They also tested for diabetes, cancer, internal organs, etc etc etc.
I am so happy that I do not have other health problems.
Ran 6 laps at KLCC as a celebration.

That's a scary experience but don't stop running.
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