Wednesday, October 12, 2005
one of the most inappropriate word used
to describe a baby/child is accident
it is commonly used by parents to
describe that the child was not actually planned for
so they there say something like
i have got 3 kids the last was an/by accident
some say it as though its funny
its not funny!
don't go around telling people your child is an accident
some things are best kept/unsaid, this is one of them
how can something so personal be said as though its nothing
the next parent that says that will have to answer a few questions
so you couldn't find a condom?
u don't use condoms?
u know what's a condom?
do u know where to buy condoms?
perhaps u should consider to have a condom re-order check?
couldn't u wait?
couldn't u masturbate?
how can u be so irresponsible?
why m i so serious?
well having a child is serious