Friday, March 31, 2006


another day at the opera

mar 30, 2006
did not run, again
had 2 excuses, rain and quarterly company function
hardly attend our quarterly company functions anymore
but this was different, 1 of the award winners was a friend
a deserving one, any less derserving i would not attend
when the function was about to end, my mobile rang
unlisted number, answered anyway, some guy spoke
could not understand and could not identify voice
i replied in an unfriendly tone, hello who is this?
its me kenneth
i immediately sneaked out of the conference room
sat comfortably on the sofa, smiling from head to toe
its like the whole body just relaxed
and i think there is a chemical released when we are happy
lets call it hphins short for happyphins
unlike endorphins that takes time as u need to exercise
hphins takes instant effect when a person is happy
its like in movies, when the person is happy/in love
they usually show in slow motion, no/faint audible sound,
soft music or song, dreamy gaze etc etc
could not remember everything he said but
basically he called to say hi and find out how are things
how kind of him i have to say
not many do such things anymore, not even me
i hardly/don't call my mom, dad, sisters, brothers,
relatives, friends, etc etc to just say hi, how are things?
perhaps i m making a mountain out of a phone call
anyway it was a pleasant surprise indeed

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