Monday, January 21, 2008
I received a pleasant mail from DK on Jan 12, encouraging me to run and stay healthy.
It was a timely wake-up call.
With reference to the book/cd 'the secret', it was mentioned that we need to focus on what we want.
So, in Oct 2007 I got a scan pic of Meb Keflezighi featured on the cover of Runner's World Nov issue.
The idea is to focus on his fantastic body (stomach muscles and small waist) which is what I wanted.
I had replaced Meb's face with my not proportionate size face and pin the pic at the office cubicle, my face Meb's body.
Despite all the focus I still do not have the fantastic figure.
Perhaps its because I hardly did any exercise/runs.
Jan 15 morning - jog around the home, probably around 15 minutes, yes 15.
Jan 16 evening - jog 3 laps and walk 1 lap at KLCC park, yes 3.
Jan 18 evening - jog 3 laps and walk 1 lap at KLCC park.
Jan 16, the walk was to 'smell the roses' and I actually noticed quite a few things.
The senses do tend to amplify when I make an effort.
The smell of grass, wind/breeze, fertilizer, pesticide, etc.
I could hear the calming fountain and waterfall, yes there is a waterfall, birds, and all the surroundings.
The birds were tweeting pretty loudly, in communication with one another.
One of the birds (Proud Mary) was saying Hey I 'bomb' a walking target today!
There were many tweets of praises and amazement.
One bird said in awe Its not easy to hit a moving target, how high were you 20 or 30 feet?
Its more like 40 feet Mary replied proudly.
There was this one time I hit about a dozen moving targets! one of the birds (Kiasu) said.
Even louder tweets of praises and amazement.
Mary (limelight snatched) : How could you hit a dozen moving targets?
Kiasu : I had diarrhea.
Mary (still not satisfied) : How did you know you actually hit the target?
Kiasu : Same way you did. They all looked up.
Silence. Pause. Applause.
Jan 18, the walk was to 'smell the roses', again.
I noticed (and probably everyone else within 100metres) this couple kissing at the park.
Well it was more like the guy kissing the girl asking for forgiveness.
The girl looked very sad and distraughted.
Some onlookers were giggling and whispering to each other probably trying to guess what was going on.
Not to be left out, I made up my own assumptions that the guy must have done something seriously wrong
for the girl to be looking so distressed/worried/troubled, yes all that was on her face.
So I guess it must be one or all of the following severe offence :-
- the guy forgot to lift the toilet bowl
- the guy did not ask for directions to KLCC park
- the guy forgot what shoes the girl was wearing when they met 10 years ago.